Historical USD/CHF Currency Converter Data

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Want more insights? Sign up for our Currency Rate API to access detailed historical data and live rates on over 150 different currencies.

Get Live USD / CHF Exchange Rates Instantly

Access real-time exchange rates with our easy-to-use JSON and XML API.

Getting Started is Simple

Converting United States Dollar (USD) to Swiss Franc (CHF) has never been easier. With our API, you can access up-to-date exchange rates with just a few lines of code.

  1. Sign up at CurrencyApi.net
  2. Get your API key and start making requests

Our API supports various programming languages, making integration quick and easy, whether you’re building financial tools or handling international transactions.

Click to see a full list of currencies and crypto-currencies we cover in our currency API.

SDKs and Code Examples

Check out our SDKs in popular programming languages below.

Or alternatively view our code examples in cURL, PHP, NodeJs, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, jQuery and more to help you integrate our API effortlessly.

Currency Converter Breakdown

Convert United States Dollar to Swiss Franc

USD United States Dollar CHF CHF

Convert Swiss Franc to United States Dollar


Currency Information

Learn more about the currencies our currency converter uses and the countries where they are used.

United States Dollar (USD)

Symbol: $

Introduction: The United States Dollar (USD) is the official currency of the United States of America and is widely used as a standard currency in international transactions. It is also held as a reserve currency by many central banks around the world.

History: The United States Dollar was first established by the Coinage Act of 1792, which created the U.S. Mint and set the dollar’s value relative to the Spanish silver dollar. Over time, the USD has evolved from being backed by gold to a fiat currency, and it has become one of the most influential currencies in the global economy.

United States Dollar is the official currency in:

United States

United States



El Salvador

El Salvador



East Timor

East Timor







...and more countries.

Swiss Franc (CHF)

Symbol: CHF

Introduction: The Swiss Franc (CHF) is the official currency of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is a highly stable currency and is frequently used in currency converter platforms, particularly due to Switzerland’s robust financial system.

History: The Swiss Franc was introduced in 1850, and it has become one of the world’s most stable currencies, known for its safety and security. It is often considered a safe-haven currency during times of economic uncertainty.

Swiss Franc is used in:





Key Insights: US Dollar vs Franc

Discover detailed insights and unique comparisons between the United States Dollar and Swiss Franc.

The United States Dollar (USD) and Swiss Franc (CHF) exchange rate has been influenced by various global events, from financial crises to changes in monetary policies. Historically, this pair is known for its stability, particularly the Swiss Franc. A currency converter API is crucial for monitoring these movements.

The US Dollar is a global currency, while the Swiss Franc is known for its role as a safe haven. The economic relationship between the US and Switzerland, including trade agreements and monetary policies, impacts the USD/CHF exchange rate. A currency converter API helps track these economic influences in real time.

The Swiss Franc is renowned for its stability, especially during global financial uncertainties, whereas the US Dollar is dominant in global trade. Comparing the stability of these two currencies requires reliable data, often provided by a currency converter API.

The USD/CHF exchange rate is important for international trade, investment, and tourism between the US and Switzerland. Accurate currency conversion is crucial in these scenarios, making a currency converter API an essential tool.

The USD/CHF currency pair is popular among forex traders for its stability and the opportunities it presents during economic events. Traders often use a currency converter API to access up-to-date exchange rates for informed decision-making.

During the 2008 financial crisis, the Swiss Franc appreciated against the US Dollar as investors sought safety in the Franc. This case study underlines the importance of a currency converter API in tracking such shifts.

Did you know that the Swiss Franc is one of the world’s most stable currencies, often referred to as a “safe haven” currency? Meanwhile, the US Dollar is the most widely used currency globally. Tracking their exchange rate with a currency converter API can be enlightening.

Common Use Cases for Our Currency API

Explore how our API can help you integrate exchange rates for United States Dollar and Swiss Franc into your applications.

🛒 E-Commerce Currency Support

Provide prices in United States Dollar (USD) and Swiss Franc (CHF) to cater to international customers and boost sales.

📱 Real-Time Conversion in Apps

Allow users to convert currencies in real-time within your app, supporting both United States Dollar and Swiss Franc.

📊 Sales Analysis

Use USD/CHF conversion data to enhance your international sales analysis.

📈 Live Exchange Rates in Sheets

Keep your spreadsheets accurate with live United States Dollar and Swiss Franc exchange rates.

💻 Platform Currency API

Integrate our API into your platform to provide accurate USD to CHF conversions.<

✈️ Travel Services

Offer travelers accurate currency conversion on the go, enhancing their travel experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our Currency API, pricing, and more.

Starting with our currency converter is very easy! Sign up for an account, get your API key, and you’re ready to make requests. Here are some essential endpoints:
  • https://currencyapi.net/api/v1/currencies - List of all currencies
  • https://currencyapi.net/api/v1/rates - Live currency rates
  • https://currencyapi.net/api/v1/convert - Use our currency converter for conversions
  • https://currencyapi.net/api/v1/history - Historical currency data
  • https://currencyapi.net/api/v1/timeframe - View rates over time
You can convert between USD and CHF or any other supported currencies. For guidance, check our documentation.
Our free plan allows for up to 1,250 API requests per month, providing limited access to our services. Please note that this plan cannot be used for commercial applications. You can find more information in our terms and conditions. For commercial projects, we offer paid plans starting at $9.99 per month for 12,500 requests, with higher tiers available for larger needs. Check our pricing page for details.
Yes, our currency converter offers accurate exchange rates sourced from reliable financial markets. Rates are updated frequently, so you can trust that the information is current and suitable for all your application needs.
Yes, you can convert between more than 150 currencies with our currency converter API, including USD and CHF. This flexibility allows you to handle a wide range of currency pairs effortlessly.
You can monitor your usage directly from your account dashboard, which will show you how many requests you have remaining for the month based on your selected plan for the currency converter.
Yes, our API offers access to historical exchange rate data. You can retrieve exchange rates for any supported currency pair from the past, allowing you to analyze trends, build financial models, and more. Historical data is available for most currencies, some dating back to the year 2000.

Other Popular Currency Pairs

Explore other popular currency pairs to integrate into your applications.

API Response Example

Ready to Get Started?

Sign up now to access our powerful Currency API, providing accurate and up-to-date exchange rates for over 150 currencies. Whether you're building financial tools, managing international transactions, or simply want to integrate real-time currency data into your application, our API has you covered.

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